Founded in 1983 Selkämeren Jää Oy is company whose industry is fish breeding and freezing.
Selkämeren Jää operates from the best places and biggest fishing docks when it comes to fishery. The freezing and refinement operations are located in Uusikaupunki and in Pori.
Our address is Suukarintie 9, FI-23500 Uusikaupunki and our offices are located in Kalasatamantie 2. We also have an office in Pori, located in Reposaaren kalasatama, FI-28900 Pori.
Oy Omega Shipping Ab is a subsidiary of Selkämeren Jää Oy.
Oy Omega Shipping Ab owns two fishing vessels, Westfjord and Hanne. Both vessels fish Baltic herring and Sprats. Both vessels are included in the MSC sertified fishers, which means our fish are catched responsibly and sustainably.
Westfjord has modern RSW (Refrigerated Sea Water) tanks which makes it possible to refrigerate the fish immediately at sea to 0-degrees.
Our mailing address is PL 85, FI-23501 UUSIKAUPUNKI